Salmon is brain food, and I need brain food.
I've had a reputation for losing things ever since I was little. When my friends and I used to get dropped off at the mall by our parents, I would leave my purse in one of the stores every time. It was expected. I'm that kind of paradoxical person that's responsibly irresponsible and unorganized. Somehow I make it work.
I swear everyday I put something down and can't remember where I put it. I spend twenty minutes looking for sunglasses that are on my head. I search my entire apartment for my hairbrush that fell under my bed when I brushed my hair five minutes ago. I leave the salt in the fridge.
And without fail, I leave my apartment only to come back twenty seconds later to get whatever I forgot. Phone, purse, food, whatever. Thank god for the hook to hang my keys, or else I would never be able to drive.
Salmon to the rescue.
I try to switch up my proteins throughout the week. Something with tofu a couple nights, then maybe some bean burgers or lentil soup, then some kind of fish dish. I love this salmon because it really is super easy. Before I go to bed, I take it out of the package, stick it in a Tupperware and defrost it until dinner the next day. Then I whisk together the marinade and let it work its magic for as much time as I have (30 minutes is fine). Pop it in the oven and voila, dinner is served.
I've mentioned before that I love Target's frozen wild salmon fillets. They really do make dinner a breeze.
Trader Joe's is a great place to shop for this recipe because they sell toasted sesame oil and rice vinegar for under three dollars. The sesame oil really makes the dish, so I don't recommend subbing a different oil. I've tried it with olive oil and it isn't nearly as delicious as the sesame version.
Maple Sesame Salmon
Maple Sesame Salmon
- Prep Time: 30 mins
- Cook Time: 12 mins
- Total Time: 42 mins
- Yield: 2 1x
- 2 4-6oz salmon fillets
- 1 tbsp sesame oil (I use Trader Joe's)
- 1 tbsp soy sauce
- 1 tbsp pure maple syrup or agave
- ¾ tbsp rice vinegar
- 2 cloves of garlic, minced
- Whisk together marinade ingredients.
- Place salmon in a ziploc bag. Pour in marinade. Move around salmon and marinade until evenly distributed throughout salmon. Place baggie in fridge and marinate for at least 30 minutes.
- Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.
- Pour contents of baggie into a baking dish, including extra marinade (I used an 8" by 8" pan). Bake for about 12 minutes or until salmon is cooked through.
Kale chips on the side, obviously. Devour and enjoy!
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Kathy @FoodWineThyme says
I am the same way, I can think of something and a second later forget what I was thinking about. I need brain food. 🙂
Alexis says
I think we could all use some more brain food!
Sally says
How perfect! I have a pack of that EXACT salmon from target in my freezer right now. 😉
Alexis says
Is is not the easiest and bestest quick dinner EVER? Love.
Matt @ The Athlete's Plate says
LOL I am a forgetter too. Did I just make that word up?
Alexis says
Forgetter is totally a word. I would know, I am one.