Tacos, blueberry muffins, egg sammies, smoothie bowls, pizza, burritos, ice cream, and coffee. Those are like, the only food groups I know anymore. AND IT'S AMAZING.
The past month I've been living my life really, really intuitively. I've accepted that the things which usually bring me heaps of joy and satisfaction just aren't doing it for me lately. I've accepted the ebb and flow of my passion and creativity without judging myself for their absence.
Accepting isn't even the right word. Embracing is.
There are times when you wake up craving french toast and there are times when you want a veggie omelet. There are also times when you just crave living life a little differently. It's human nature to always have your exploration cap on. If you ignore intuition and force living in a way that's not right for that particular season of life, your well-being will likely suffer a bit.
It's like wanting a big fat ice cream sundae (or a unicorn frappuccino) and convincing yourself a lemon lime popsicle will do. Whether you take that literally or read it as a metaphor for sundae = more joy and delicious freedom, the popsicle is just not gonna happen. Our bamboozling brainies are so much smarter than that!!
I embrace eating coffee shop muffins for breakfast, calling frozen burritos lunch, and dinnering out on the town.
I embrace not feeling the desire to blog as often. I embrace not wanting to cook dinner. I embrace hiking versus the gym. And most of all, I embrace doing all of the aforementioned things with the most open of arms.
Lemme 'shplain.
The old/more rigid/less intuitive/more workaholic/less spontaneous/more hustler me would have judged the hell out of myself for biking to the bar for cocktails and tacos at 7pm on a Sunday rather than getting the Monday blog post done. And prepping meals for the next few days. And doing laundry. And checking off the endless to-do list that realistically will never be completed ever, no matter how many bike rides I pass on to sit inside and do things I won't look back and remember doing.
I wouldn't say I've been in a funk because a funk sounds negative; and this is totally not. I just feel different. I'm living my unicorn life! Let's call it having more...fun, freedom, drinks, spontaneity, soul, coffee walks, time with the people I love, Saturday hikes, me time, Sunday brunches, ice cream cones, and total permission to feel accepting of a lovelier, lazier, more delicious season of life.
I'm not gonna lie. Every Monday and Thursday that passed without publishing a blog post I felt a liiiiiittle less guilty and a liiiiiittle more proud of not being a slave to the structure and unnecessary expectations I put on myself. More love. Less pressure!
Present over perfect.
I choose to honor flexibility. And you should too! Flexibility in crushing those lofty goals, in nurturing your relationships, in making all the money all the time, in working out x days a week, in being a lemon lime popsicle when you want to be (or eat) a big fat sundae with homemade whipped cream really freaking badly.
Because at what point am I (are we?) working more for a better tomorrow at the expense of living today? I feel like I'm always telling myself to hustle my hiney off now for the next year or the next decade as if today doesn't matter. When did right now lose its meaning? I can't monetize the memories I'll have in five years; but I know for damn sure that they're worth more than the dollars I would've made had I spent that time over-working.
I could blame my absence on TRISM opening next week but I'd be lying. I'm not blogging less because we're opening a new restaurant. I'm blogging less simply because I'm living more.
And just like that I'M SO BLISSFULLY HAPPY! I love my job growing Alchemy and building TRISM from the ground up. I'm more passionate about the restaurants than I've ever been. I feel like we're really making a difference. I feel I'm making a difference. It's a weirdly freeing and wonderful feeling to feel so purposeful.
Don't doubt for a second that I have crazy-unconditional-mad-infinite-fierce love for this space. That said, it's been a humbling and somewhat unexpected experience to feel that same love toward things in life that didn't used to give me anywhere near the same joy. I'm working on putting my puzzle back together in a way that doesn't just fit, but makes me most excited about living.
I hope this endless rambling has resonated with you in some way. I hope you don't waste any time living a life that's not your own version of bliss. And by bliss I mean a beautiful, imperfect mess of what you find lovely. Don't over-work and under-live. Find your spark. Don't put tomorrow on a pedestal. There's never not going to be a tomorrow to work for. Don't underestimate the value of the memories and the magic you can't put a price tag on. That ish is priceless.
Go live your unicorn life!
Celeste Novalia says
You are so right! We should learn to be more intuitive about our lives. Thanks for this reminder.
Micheal Ridgeley says
You wrote amazing, GIRL!!
I enjoyed each word.
Micheal says
Nice I'm so glad and happy I am trying to learn to implement in my own life
unicorn symbolism
April says
This is my favorite post of yours EVER. I can relate to this so much as I am struggling to find this place you describe and feeling the itch for a more purposeful, joyful, soulful life. I am so inspired by you and just so incredibly impressed by your insight and maturity and heart. You've got it going on, girl. Rock that unicorn life! You are magic. We all are. <3
Edie says
Yes to THIS. Spot on in so many ways. Thank you, Alexis!
emily vardy says
Oh my god, I absolutely love this post! Living by intuition is a really hard adjustment to make, but you're so right. Being happy and enjoying life RIGHT NOW is pretty important too!
Emily @ Zen & Spice says
Love this so much! Our world is SO BUSY. Most people don't even realize it. We're all just rushing around, oblivious to what we're doing to ourselves, others and our planet. If everyone could just push on the brakes, we'd realize we don't need much to be happy.
Love the work you are doing!
Haley Hansen says
LOVE THIS. and you. you are magical and wonderful and full of such amazing advice for all of us.
This post came at the perfect time for me. Thank you for sharing 🙂
Much love!!
Brian says
Hey, amazing post and of course... great ice-cream haha! It's so hot here. I feel like I'm gonna do a run to the shop for some lovely ice creams 😛
Maddie says
I love this so indescribably much.
Kendall says
You're a sparkly, pink-highlighted, Hilary Duff in The Lizzie McGuire Movie rockstar!
Sarah @ Bucket List Tummy says
You, my friend, have such a voice and way with words. Carpe diem! Well said, as always.
Paige Schmidt says
I love this post SO MUCH! Just what I needed. Thank you thank you thank you for sharing your heart with us!
Erin Ramsay says
Don’t over-work and under-live. Freaking love.
Casey the College Celiac says
Thanks for the reminder to live in the moment and embrace going with the flow! This is still something my type a self is working on...
Kimmy @ the soul nine yards says
AHHHH this is exactly what's been brewing in my soul lately!! Funny how it seems like when we become aware of something it starts showing up in so many different areas...it's like the universe is sending us a message like "yes! yes! That's a good path!" I just set my computer wallpaper to a graphic that says "if it costs you your peace, it's too expensive" & that's really the mindset that I try to make my choices from now...
As always, your posts are gold, and I'm totally ok with the less regular posting when the content is this rich & inspiring 😉
Sarah says
Have you read the Present Over Perfect book by Shauna Niequist? It would resonate with you in this current stage of life, I think.
Laura says
Hi Alexis!
Thank you so much for this post, as your thoughts are practices I am trying to learn to implement in my own life. It is not easy for me, as I am the ultimate planner and routine person. However, I do see the great value in really asking what do I really desire and feel is important for my life. I also think living more aware of the moment you are in, makes you more aware of how you loving and caring for other people in your life. Thank you, again, for your inspiration! https://wordpress.com/post/gainingbygivingblog.wordpress.com/249
Sarah says
I am so happy for you Alexis! I am also going through a lot of changes right now. Mindset really is everything, and choosing to embrace life from every dimension is helping me so much! That and trusting my gut and not worrying about what others think 🙂
jordan @ dancing for donuts says
LOVE this. if i'm being honest, i'm not the most intuitive eater (i eat before i'm hungry sometimes solely for fear of being hungry later...not great, i know), but i have been embracing flexibility more, as well. i was just thinking the other day about how i used to not let myself have bread or grains more than one meal a day, and now i've been eating things like toast in the morning, quinoa with lunch, and rice with dinner and it feels AWESOME. it might be more calories, and my jeans might be a bit more snug, but i really love those things and they keep me full and happy, so hey. i'm into it!
Vanessa says
This is perfect,it reminds me to live life to the fullest, instead of the rigid meal prep and counting calorie, which i'm so tired of doing but i can't stop. this really hits home it makes me realize to live a little and enjoy life,
Amber @ Madden Wellness Counseling says
I understand EXACTLY what you're saying! I know when I first established my blog some of my first few posts focused on how I was never going to be a consistent blogger and that I preferred to blog when creativity hits. I've been blogging for awhile now and it never fails that I have lapses (sometimes for months) my blogging. I enjoy having readers and I DO hope to grow my blog, but it's not worth it to me for my blog to start feeling like just another thing I have to get done. I think the blog is so much better when I actually have something meaningful to share and say. I think it's great that you're in this season of your life because doesn't it feel so wonderful and freeing? 🙂
Paula says
I just came back from a trip to CO, which left me feeling like I want to take a break from Crossfit/fitness for fitness' sake and maybe instead spend a couple weeks going back to running, yoga, and nature (although there's sadly no real hiking where I live in FL). I had sort of convinced myself that this wasn't practical, and then I came here and read your words. Thanks for reminding me to go with the flow and listen to what my body and brain (and spirit!) are requesting.
Elizabeth says
Thank you so much for this post!! It's a reminder to live every day to the fullest. I have been forgetting to enjoy life lately (while finishing nursing school, having an autoimmune disorder with strict dietary restrictions and a family of 6)...but, decided this weekend that family cookouts and smores were wayyyyy more important to me than studying for 2 weeks worth of finals. My children want me to be present and that;s where I chose to be and don't regret it at all (even though I ate my body weight in smores, lol).
Emilie @ Emilie Eats says
This resonated so much with me!!! Getting the "lighter" option because you know it's less calories. Working when you want to go to the pool. I get it chica. (also tip #9574 on how to live a unicorn life: dye your hair fun colors?)
Deb F says
OMG I needed to hear this today... After moving to Philly from FL almost 3 years ago, I thought I had transitioned well. But, I'm having a delayed reaction and I'm in a FUNK!!!! I just can't figure out what makes ME tick... So I guess I'm on a journey so to speak... and it's not always easy or fun.. and I'm so tired... today, I'm just going to BE :-). And now Im gonna step outside and take my dog for a LONNNNNNNGGGGGG walk!!!! And when I'm done with that.... I will just see what the day brings!
Kaylee Gross says
I LOVE this!! This is exactly what I need more of in my life.
Thanks for being such an inspiration Alexis!! <3
Carrie this fit chick says
"Because at what point am I (are we?) working more for a better tomorrow at the expense of living today? " this is everything right here. Totally reaonated with me. So proud of you, Alexis !
Kelly @ Eat the Gains says
I freakin love this Alexis. I have been in that work mentality that you are moving away from. I keep telling myself "well if yo uhutke now", life will be easier later. Well I'm stressed and not enjoying the things I want to. It's time I take the reigns back and do what I want to do. That is why I quit my corporate job - to explore my passions. Thanks for always being so real and saying exactly what is on your mind.
Kelly @ Eat the Gains says
uhutke meant hustle haha
Elayne says
BINGO with extra sparkly glitter!
This post is one of my all time faves!
Thank you.
Alexis says
Sparkly glitter yessss!!! XO
Kit Broihier says
Great reminder to reflect on what we are spending our time and effort on AS WE GO ALONG...reflection aid not for the end of things!
Alexis says
It's so important 🙂 Glad I got it out!
Colby says
Love you and you're amazing outlook on life. It's the best!
Alexis says
Awww thanks, Colby! That's the ultimate compliment 🙂
Kori says
This is incredible, & I absolutely love it! I was talking about this in the sense of finances just the other day. While it's smart to save & plan ahead, we truly don't know our future. So it's also important to celebrate the present. This coupd be in termsof finances but also time, energy, & joy. Thank you for this!
Alexis says
Right!! It's not easy to find the balance with money but why do we act like our money will be more meaningful in ten years?!
Kori says
I have no idea!! I'd rather be comfortable in my future but live my life to the fullest now too. (Sorry for my typos earlier. I was on my phone and didn't proofread. Whoops.)
Maryea {Happy Healthy Mama} says
Ha! I read my comment and realized now I sound like I am not living the life I love now. That's not true, I'm just in a different stage. 🙂 Bars on bikes have been replaced with dance recitals and breakfast and movies in bed with kiddos. I love this stage, too. Just a few years back when my littles were still babies, I felt so much like you describe here in terms of blogging. I wanted to enjoy life and refused to overwork and really embraced that stage (good word choice--embrace rather than accept) Guess what? My blog was still there as things changed and now I'm more motivated than I've ever been about growing my blog. Your blog will be here through the stages of your life, if you want it to be, and so I'm glad you're embracing it and not stressing.
Alexis says
I love following you for a zillion reasons but mainly because you're such a REAL person with a LIFE. I have no doubt that you're a super present mom rocking your bad-ass blog when you're feeling the groove. Also love your point that it's not going anywhere--that' the beauty of the internet 🙂
Juliette | Namastay Traveling says
" I hope you don’t waste any time living a life that’s not your own version of bliss." THIS! This is exactly what I wish everyone in the old would take to heart! And know that we all define it differently , and that's what's so magical about it 🙂
Alexis says
Yes yes yes!! Allll the magic 🙂 XO!
Maryea {Happy Healthy Mama} says
When I was your age, (I sound SO MUCH OLDER than I am saying that..) I lived the life you are describing. Enjoy it!