I've been desperately wanting to write this post for weeks now. I like sharing pictures of ice cream and pizza on Instagram because I want---no, I NEED---you all to understand how much of a "normal" (what does that word even mean?) person I really am. I went to Cleveland last weekend and ate out for nearly every meal, including pizza and pancakes galore. What can I say? I loved food before I even loved nutrition. I really am a foodie at heart. So when I post a What I Ate Wednesday and you don't see any ice cream, it's not because I don't ever eat ice cream. I'm sick and tired of people portraying themselves to be something they're not, painting a picture of the ideal woman who only eats Quest bars and broccoli slaw and making everyone else feel like crap. The truth is that I work out often and I balance fun foods with green smoothies, which I actually adore. I don't force myself to eat healthy to be thin---I eat healthy because I actually love the taste of hummus, sweet potatoes, lentils, and bananas. I love how healthy tastes and feels, but you won't see me passing on pasta, either. I live in a world where people judge and pick apart everything I do. That's what happens when you're a food blogger or health professional. If I post a picture of ice cream, is some vegan girl going to unfollow me? If I didn't eat any green veggies today, is everyone going to think I'm a big fat phony? The ridiculousness of it all! I'm only human. You're not healthy if you don't live life. But whether you like it our not, there is constant comparison going on all.the.time. Forget the haters! Be YOU. You've got one life to live and you sure as hell shouldn't be living some one else's. I thrive on balance. I'm not some one who can avoid all added sugar or gluten or caffeine for a month---I'm just not. I get cranky and weird. Sometimes I go out on the weekends and drink vodka sodas and eat pizza at 2am. Sometimes I wake up feeling hung over and lazy and too tired to work out. But I always, always, always find my way back to balance. I don't try to be perfect because I don't want to be perfect. Perfect isn't real. Perfect is weird. So find the beauty in your imperfections. Life will be a lot tastier that way.
* * *
For more Life Lessons posts, check out: --On Being Too Healthy --On Natural Body Care --On Counting Ingredients, Not Calories --On Beer & Kale --On Packing a Lunch ]]>
Brooke says
I hate to hear that people have been giving you a hard time. Since discovering your blog just about a year ago, I (along with all of my family and friends I've shared your blog with) have learned so much about high quality, nutritious, and most importantly, DELICIOUS food that has made me look and feel so much better. And I've always appreciated your transparency when it comes to maintaining a healthy balance - we're only human!
I agree with all the comments above - don't focus on the negative. What you're doing is great and so helpful for so many of us, keep up the awesome work!
Alexis says
Thanks so much for your sweet comment, Brooke! I'm so glad you appreciate the sense of balance. It really is SO important to be transparent!
Meghan@CleanEatsFastFeets says
Graters ice cream is the BEST. I've even had it shipped over to Cleveland (or at least my in laws did) so I know how good it really is.
I'm all about balance. For real, look at my IG feeds: it's a bowl of veggies, next to a brick of cheese, followed by a fitness class, then a bottle of booze, bad yolk porn, pasta and some fruit. Oh and toss a random cat picture in too because I'm really a feline is disguise. Cat Woman, I like to say.
Keep being you, keep doing you. Other people's judgments are worth your time or even energy.
P.S. Do people really associate Quest bars as being healthy. Geesh, I am so out of what the community deems as healthy. I think that's a good thing.
Alexis says
I love that you had Graeter's shipped to Cleve! I die for black raspberry chip. Horray for balance!! And yes, people sweat by Quest Bars. I think it's the athletic/weight-lifting community that loves them so much.
Tara | Treble in the Kitchen says
Love this post 🙂 So real and so true!
Alexis says
Thanks, Tara! So glad you liked it 🙂
Francesca says
You rock! Love this post...almost as much as I love french fries -xo-
Lauren says
I especially love all of this" I thrive on balance. I’m not some one who can avoid all added sugar or gluten or caffeine for a month—I’m just not. I get cranky and weird. Sometimes I go out on the weekends and drink vodka sodas and eat pizza at 2am. Sometimes I wake up feeling hung over and lazy and too tired to work out. But I always, always, always find my way back to balance.".
Coming from someone who just got back from a wedding weekend full of booze, mom's home cooking, 1 AM pizza, and more than one diet coke this makes me feel great. I'll eat healthy today, workout and get back on track. I felt bad for feeling tired and lazy on Saturday and not working out but life happens and working out 5 days a week instead of 6 is still damn good. Sometimes there is a bubble of healthy eaters or clean eaters and I forget that most of the world isn't like that. I'm not broken with no self-control because I can't do a whole 30 or restrict a food group or count calories-I'm human!
She Rocks Fitness says
Love this...you ROCK woman! XOXO
Alexis says
Thanks deary!!
Lauren says
Alexis, this post is amazing! I one hundred per cent agree with you!!! I love, love, love healthy food for the taste and the way it makes me feel. But I also love a sourdough pizza, a glass of fizz and some salted caramel ice cream. It is about balance people! Awesome post girl- seriously!
Alexis says
I'm so glad you liked it, Lauren! Hooray for salted caramel ice cream!!
Lauren @ Whole Living Lauren says
Amen sista! I LOVE this post. I just had a long discussion about this topic with one of my good friends/fellow foodies the other day. Perfect IS weird and I'm not down with it either 🙂
xoxo - Lauren
Alexis says
Yayyy! Perfect is the weirdest 😉
Whitney @ To Live & Diet in L.A. says
Great post! I couldn't agree more. It's hard to do your thang when people are constantly watching to see what you're going to eat or drink or what exercise you're going to do, and then passing judgment on it. I just try to ignore all that noise and focus on what's important: how I feel. For me, balance is a healthy meal, a great glass of wine and sometimes a whole pint of frozen yogurt. I may get some interesting looks when leaving the froyo shop, but I don't give a crap.
Alexis says
You're right--how you feel is all that matters, not what people think!
Danielle says
I was JUST talking to some friends about this. Now that I'm a health coach, I feel like all eyes are on me when I'm eating and it makes me feel so weird when I want to indulge! People make a big deal if I have dessert or eat pizza. It actually really bothers me, so I'm learning how to deal with that aspect of all this. I think it's so important for healthy living bloggers to share both sides, so thank you!
Alexis says
You nailed it when you said how important it is for healthy living bloggers to show both sides. Amen!
Addie Martanovic says
Always love your posts but this one especially!! So inspiring and awesome for people to hear. Balance is the key and you said it so well 🙂 Makes me love your blog that much more when you do posts like this!
Alexis says
Awwww so glad to hear that! Thanks lady!
Jordan @ The Balanced Blonde says
Alexis... I LOVE this. "Perfect isn’t real. Perfect is weird. So find the beauty in your imperfections. Life will be a lot tastier that way." Thank you for your honesty and seriously this just rocks. I might even have to piggy back off of you and write something similar in the coming weeks-- I get so frustrated with people who paint a picture of the "perfect diet" and "perfect life" on social media because it makes them feel like hot shit. Perfect is BALANCE! Perfect is happiness which really has little to do with food and everything to do with confidence. And yeah, sometimes I post ice cream on Instagram because I know people will go crazy over it and love it, and why not? Life is meant to be enjoyed. 🙂 xoxox, happy weekend and thank you for this!
Alexis says
I'm so glad it resonated with you, Jordan! Since you're a social media ICON, I'm sure you've dealt with your fair share of this!! XO
Alexis says
Awww thanks darlin. Can't to wait to visit and eat insane amounts of ice cream.
Renee @ Bendiful Blog says
Life is all about balance and food needs balance as well. What good is a healthy salad if you can't have ice cream?! Perfection is a myth and so is balance but it's a nice challenge to strive for.
Alexis says
I completely agree, Renee!
Khushboo says
Adore this post, Alexis...almost as much as I adoree you :)! Seriously though, I love that you always keep it real- there's a time for broccoli and a time for ice cream...and there's always time for hummus ha!
Karen says
Be yourself; you are on the right track!
Alexis says
Thanks Karen!
Brooke@SweetnSweaty says
You go girl!!! So true! I live by the 80/20 rule. I'm human and I love indulging from time to time, but I know that nothing taste as good as healthy feels so I choose to fuel wisely because of how it makes me feel, but sometimes vodka and 2am pizza is just necessary! 🙂 thanks for putting it all out there! I think as healthy bloggers our goal is to inspire and you nailed it!
Nadia says
Thanks for this post, Alexis! As someone who has recently started her journey to a healthy lifestyle, I constantly find myself comparing my habits to others around me, from my friends to nutrition bloggers. A reminder that we're all different and our journeys, likes, dislikes, and habits are unique to us is definitely needed now and then.
The stress of trying to conform to something we see online or in magazines is ultimately unhealthy and discouraging. However, it's easy to forget this and let the fads influence us. I'm slowly figuring out what works for me, and allowing myself time to do that and be happy is part of that journey. Encouraging, realistic messages like this post from someone who is a RD are definitely appreciated! Thank you for caring about your readers enough to pen this post =)
Paige says
THANK YOU I LOVE THIS SO MUCH !!!!! It's just what I needed today 🙂
Alexis says
I'm so happy to hear that, Paige!
Amanda @ .running with spoons. says
Just for the record... I think you're perfectly unperfect 🙂 I think you're an amazing example of what it means to be truly healthy because you keep it balanced and don't gravitate towards either extreme. Never change, mmmkay? 🙂
Alexis says
You're the sweetestttttt mmmkay?
Nikki says
You said it sister!! Great post!
Alexis says
Thanks gurrrlllL!!!!
Ann says
This post is really inspirational - and I hate when people say this. But it honestly makes me rethink (again) my eating habits. I'm on a constant journey of finding balance in my diet, to enjoy all kinds of foods without feeling bad about it afterwards. It's a back and forth, but I think I will achieve that true balance some day. Give me that broccoli, and than the ice cream, please!
Alexis says
Finding balance really is a constant journey. It's way easier said that done. I ate ice cream last night because the other couple I was with wanted it (even though I really didn't) and I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel a little guilty about it. Just keep at it, girl!
Donna says
Great post!!!
Alexis says
Thanks, Donna!
Laney Reusch says
I love this! What's the point of being a "perfect" eater? People can't stand that shit! 😉
PS You are so cute and I love your blog (been following along for the past few weeks)! I've made a few recipes…yum!
Alexis says
How fabulous! Thanks so much for the support, Laney 🙂
Kate says
This has been on my mind a lot too. Life goes by SO fast- why we supposed to forbid ourselves from ever tasting and actually enjoying the deliciousness of pizza and ice cream? Bump that.
Alexis says
Preach, girl!
Sarah Gifford says
This is the best thing I've read all week!! I LOVE this!
Alexis says
Fabulous!! I'm so glad you liked it, Sarah!
Jen says
Alexis says
Tiffanie says
Love this post and I love how real you are!
Alexis says
Thanks doll!
April says
First thing's first you're the realest. Honestly, this is why I love you and can connect with you. I am always so impressed, inspired and proud of you -- your sense of self is admirable, and for every hater, there are a helluva lot more lovers. <3 Thanks for always reminding us to be our beautiful, unique selves, that "perfect" doesn't exist, and that balance is key. I learn from you every day. Thanks for being you! XO
Alexis says
Waittttt I'm loling. You are the best and I can't wait to bound in real LYFE in t minus 7 weeks!!!!
Dixya @ Food, Pleasure, and Health says
sending you a big hug!!! Its a constant struggle like you said being a blogger and a dietitian but i love my pizza, icecream, coffee as much as I adore whole grain pasta, green smoothies, and energy balls 🙂 haters can unfollow and hate all they want because you cant stop them but dont let them living your beautiful life.
Alexis says
Wahoo!! Sing it, girl!
Dietitian Jess says
I totally follow an everything in moderation diet and hate when people see me eating dessert or a burger and say omg aren't you a Dietitian.... uh yeah, but exactly like you said, I'm human!!! Love love love this post!
Alexis says
I'm sure you know this well as a dietitian! Glad you agree 🙂
Amanda says
Thank you for this. Soooo my philosophy as well - I appreciate your honesty and real ness ( and I understand about the unfollow thing-LOL ) .
Alexis says
I'm so glad it spoke to you, Amanda!
Kristen says
This is awesome.. thanks 🙂
Alexis says
You are very welcome, Kristen!
Shay says
I can only say that *this* vegan girl will NEVER unfollow you! And, because I'm vegan, I am also expected to eat super healthy at every moment- um, no. I am vegan cuz I lurve ALLLL the animals, not for health reasons, so I struggle to eat healthy just like everyone else! The things I want are coffee, chocolate and pb anything, pasta, bread...and I eat/drink them! I also have a green smoothie most days to help balance the other stuff! 🙂
Alexis says
You, my friend, are the BOMB. Seriously, you're one of those people that I can remember commenting from the beginning. Love ya!!!
Melissa @ Mango About Town says
Amazing post. Being new to this blogging world I am constantly surprised at how many people talk only about the healthy stuff they make or eat. Life is about eating all the food - the 'good' and the 'bad,' but everything in moderation. I may have had steel cut oats and a green smoothie for breakfast today, but last night I rocked double chocolate brownies and a mojito.
Alexis says
hanks so much Melissa! I'm glad it resonated with you 🙂
Ang @ Nutty for Life says
It honestly does suck that we even have to work to look "normal." (like you said, wtf is normal though) What I mean is, why do we consciously have to balance out the pictures we share? It's craziness! And even then, you still will get people calling you out. I can relate- I can't even count the times people are surprised I eat meat (uh I always have) or are shocked to see me eat a hunk of cake.
If I could use emojis here, I would use the two hands up emoji (preeeeeach).
Alexis says
Claire @ Keeping Up With Claire says
Great post girlfriend! I could not agree with this more. We are young and SHOULD be having fun and living life to the fullest. It actually makes me really sad when I see bloggers who swear off everything - alcohol, sugar, bread, caffeine, etc. That is booooooring. I eat healthy beause I like the way it makes me feel and how much energy I have and because I want to take care of myself, but I could never and would never remove foods that I love from my life in order to be "healthy". I love food too much. End of story. 🙂
Alexis says
No bread is like the epitome of boring! I'm with ya on loving food too much, as if that's even possible 🙂
Cassie says
This is great, Alexis! I was shocked when I posted a photo of a burger a few weeks ago and people said "oh you eat burgers" or "what a big difference from vegan zoodle pasta"... well, yeah. Because I eat what I feel like. It's all about balance. I just hate when people judge how others eat!
Alexis says
Hahah like take a chill pill! We're real people, too! XO
Marisa @ Uproot from Oregon says
AMEN. We need to hear this over and over for some reason to understand it. Ice cream and broccoli make a killer combo of an evening, and yes, Instagram makes me want to pull out my hair out when my sexy healthy bowl of noms isn't liked compared to an ice cream cone. BUT you are such a great model of balance for all of us and I love that this reminds us to be REAL.
Alexis says
Hahaha love that sexy healthy bowl of noms. Love ya!!
Sophie @ life's philosophie says
LOVE this post. I'm all about balance and sometimes I have weeks where my balance is all off and it takes me a few days to get back into the swing of things. Life is far too short to deprive yourself!
Alexis says
Amen sista!
Erin @ The Almond Eater says
PREACH. I love this because it's the actual definition of balance and real. I find that so many people say they believe in "balance" but, well, their idea of balance isn't actual balance. We are only human and should never NOT do what we want (ie eat ice cream) because we're worried what others will think.
Alexis says
TRUTH! You're so spot on when it comes to balance--everyone's definition is different!
Allison says
You know what, this post ROCKED! And I know what you mean. I certainly don't eat the way I photograph or present the food on my blog; it's much messier and in much larger quantities and I will add an egg on top or some cheese or a scoop or two of brown rice. No such thing as "perfect," especially when it comes to eating. Certain days I crave certain things and eat them, other days, I don't. I think we need to feed our bodies with what works for us. And, I too, couldn't give up sugar or caffeine for a month -not for me. I think people believe you're supposed to be this squeaky clean specimen of a human when you're a health profession and food blogger, like yourself. Having to "hide" or "sneak" other non-kale-ish foods is no way to live and you should never ever have to do that!
I agree 100% with this: "I don’t force myself to eat healthy to be thin—I eat healthy because I actually love the taste of hummus, sweet potatoes, lentils, and bananas. I love how healthy tastes and feels, but you won’t see me passing on pasta, either."
From one ice cream eater/weekly pasta devourer/foodie to another, I truly loved reading this. Your candor is inspiring, girl! (PS Sorry for taking up the entire comments section hehe.)
Alexis says
Wow--best commenter ever award!! I really appreciated everything you said and I'm so glad to know that I'm not the only one who eats huge quantities of food with an egg on top!! XO
Sam @ PancakeWarriors says
Wow I'm do glad you wrote this! Life is about balance and this is the perfect example! I love your honesty and should probably start following you on Instagram lol! Thanks again for the honesty!
Alexis says
Awww thanks doll!
Brittany says
LOVE this. There will always be people who say something or unfollow for some reasons, but honestly, being real and human is what everyone SHOULD do! Balance is what it's all about 🙂
Alexis says
Preach girlfriend!
Colleen says
Eat what you want - don't worry about the haters! I don't even like the labels of "healthy" foods and "junk" foods - anything is good in moderation! Having a balanced diet is the most healthy diet of all - for both your body and your sanity.
Alexis says
Fo shoooo girl! I agree to the max.
Alexis says
Literally loling. You slay me steakie boo boo.