This post is sponsored by Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Almond Milk. I was compensated for my time. All opinions are my own.
There's something about that steamy cup o' joe early in the morn that makes us oh so dependent on our daily brew.
Maybe it's the java jolt or maybe it's the warm fuzzy feeling we get when we drink hot thangs. Coffee is heralded for boosting your mood and giving you a bit more pep in your step (thanks to all that caffeine stimulating the brain and central nervous system). Get this--researchers deemed coffee as the number one source of antioxidants in the American diet, mostly because we drink so darn much of it! In a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, woman who drank two to three cups of caffeinated coffee a day were actually 15% less likely to develop depression compared with women who consumed a cup or less each day. But...there's always a but. Remember that coffee is still a stimulant, so try to enjoy it in the morning or early afternoon to prevent sleeping difficulties.
While coffee on its own may have some health benefits, there's no doubt that fancy frappuccinos complete with oodles of added sugar can sabotage your diet without you even knowing it. I like to keep my cup of joe on the slimmer side by adhering to these little tricks.
1) For a creamier cup...
Whipped cream and whole milk in your lattes sure sound decadent, but your waistline will thank you if you lighten up your latte with almond milk instead. Not only will you slash empty calories and saturated fat, but you'll take your cup to a whole other level of divine creaminess! Have you noticed that non-dairy milks are popping up in coffee shops every where? That's right...almond milk is IN. Select Dunkin' Donuts shops nationwide have recently made an exciting little addition to their menu---Blue Diamond Almond Breeze vanilla almond milk! Try adding a splash to your coffee instead of creamer for some vanilla flare.
2) For a sweeter cup...
Did you know that a grande pumpkin spice latte has 50 grams of sugar? That's more than two Snickers bars! Next time you order a specialty drink from a coffee shop, ask for half the pumps of syrup/sweetener. You'd be surprised to know that many of those drinks have a whopping four pumps of sweetener, which adds tons of unnecessary sugar to your seemingly innocent drink. Try sweetening your coffee with a bit of stevia (a natural, zero-calorie sweetener), sugar in the raw, or some honey. These more natural sweeteners are easier on the body and much better for you than fake chemical sweeteners typically found in "skinny" drinks. Skinny does not mean healthy.
3) For a more flavorful cup...
Dulce de leche, pumpkin, caramel, many chemicals to choose from! Say NO to artificially flavored syrups. Instead, try adding a big dash of anti-inflammatory cinnamon, which will lend some natural sweetness and keep your blood sugar in check. Many coffee shops offer antioxidant-packed cocoa powder as well for a chocolatey touch. If you're going for fall flavors, try adding anti-microbial nutmeg, which may help regulate your digestive system and ward off cavities.
4) For a diet-friendly cup....
The once innocent coffee drink has slowly transformed into a trendy, gluttonous dessert. Why drink your calories when you can eat them? Pass on the fancy flavored drinks and get back to the basics! Order a small or medium cup of regular coffee and add a big splash of almond milk or dairy-free milk of your choice, a dash of cinnamon, and a small spoonful of sugar in the raw or honey for extra sweetness.
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Annabella says
I used to use a lot of Blue Diamond until I found out that it has carrrageenan... What is your take on carrageenan?
Alexis says
Honestly, I don't love that it has carrageenan, but I don't worry about it TOO much. Silk doesn't have it if you're looking for an alternative.
Chelsea @ Chelsea's Healthy Kitchen says
Great tips girl! I really like the creaminess that almond milk adds to coffee. Especially in latte form! There's an independent cafe near me that makes the best almond milk lattes.
Alexis says
Thanks girl! It's such an easy way to boost the creaminess without all the added fat 🙂
GiselleR @ Diary of an ExSloth says
I recently found out I was lactose intolerant (maybe) so I gave up the specialty drinks and started making coffee at home. Best decision ever. I put cinnamon in with my coffee before brewing and add a splash of almond milk and honey/maple syrup. <- Nectar of the Gods right there 😀
I'm gonna give nutmeg a try in the morning! Thanks for the tips 🙂
Alexis says
Love that! Maple syrup is most definitely the nectar of gods 🙂
Dana @ fresh simple five says
I could not be more excited that more places are carrying almond milk now! My go-to drink is a chai tea latte with almond milk - so creamy and delicious. When I make coffee at home I love adding cinnamon too. Never thought of nutmeg though; that's a great idea. I might even go crazy and add my own pumpkin spice. 🙂
Alexis says
Mmmmm homemade pumpkin spice sounds so dreamy, especially with almond milk and a little maple syrup!
Melissa @ Mango About Town says
Fantastic ideas - brb making a pot of coffee...
Alexis says
Dietitian Jess says
I was in Europe a few months ago and their coffee drinks were so much more natural and simple than ours!!! Thanks for some of these tips...I've never added cacao... but I love mochas so that should be a hit.
Alexis says
Right?! Europe is so dreamy, especially the coffee!
Brittany says
I loooove just unsweetened vanilla almond milk and stevia in my coffee. Simple but perfect 🙂
Alexis says
Agreed, sista!
Linda @ The Fitty says
I have decided to quit starbucks because of their sugary drinks and make some at home myself, and I use all these tips you mentioned. 🙂
Alexis says
Good for you! Way easier on the wallet, too.